My pregnancy started off with twins, but at the beginning of December I lost one of them. I went for my first prenatal appointment Dec 3rd,2009 and that was scary. I had some bleeding for a few days prior and when they did an ultrasound they couldn't find the heartbeat of the baby but said it could just be too early or the bad quality of the machine, so they sent me to the main hospital to get an ultrasound with a full sized machine. long story short they found out the bleeding's cause but did find the heartbeat of the other baby afterall! I was six weeks exactly that day. I cried when I saw that flicker of the heart! The crazy thing is Kaiden had been telling me for 3 months that when I got "pregnick" I would have two babies, a boy and a girl. A bit after I found out I was indeed pregnant I had a sneaking suspicion it was twins due to the way I felt and a gut feeling(plus I grew large fast! remember those photos below? at only what 4-4.5 weeks?I was huge! that's why.) I find it odd that Kaiden had said that so many times. Anway here's the photos of the ultrasound I got that day~
This is a photo of the baby! Yeah not much to see at this point,lol.
This is a photo of the baby and a view of it's heartbeat! (the waves are the heart beating)
I saw the OBGYN on the 7th as well and got to hear the baby's heartbeat on doppler for the first time!! she said it was "in the 160's" so about 165BPMs or so! I need that reassurance that all is well, so it was great to hear that. That's why I ordered a little doppler machine of my own! it should arrive either tomorrow or Moday I expect. I can't wait! I can even email the heartbeat~ maybe I can post it here! I'll leave off here since this is already so long and start a new post =) (Update: the doppler I sent it back for a refund. I ended up able to hear the HB only once, and the LCD display was wrong...I want to know how many BPMs without counting,thank you,lol.)