LOL. So my first real post to my blog will be the story of when I tested and found out I was pregnant. It all started 10 days ago......
On 11/15/09 I woke up excited to test thinking it probably would be a negative, either because it didn't happen this cycle (even though I was like 99% sure I was pregnant I could just 'feel' it.) or because it was too early to test at only 11DPO (days past ovulation) but of course I try anyway! This is what the test looked like:
Can you see the line? It's really hard to, right? So a few hours after I took it seeing that barely there shadow of a + line I go to the girls I know and love on webmd's TTC:JSO (trying to conceive:just starting out) message board and ask them what they think. One girl says to take a pic, (which is what you see above taken a few hours after testing)then to invert it on photoshop, so I do which makes it sooo much easier to see! check it out:
Well,they all saw it for sure! I was really afraid that is was just a fluke, and I was wrong about being pregnant, so I planned on retesting the next morning. I was about to go to bed that night, and remembered the story of how you could use an OPK (ovulation predictor kit) as a HPT (home pregnancy test) b/c if you're pregnant it would show up as a very positive OPK. So I thought "why not?" and at about 11:45pm took an OPK. It turned + the second the pee hit it! I was so excited I went to grab it to look at it and knocked it onto the cup of pee,lol! I immediately opened up a HPT and dipped it in, and a darker line then the one from the morning showed up very fast, and since I was so excited I opened up a digital test I had and dipped it in too! it went "beep!beep!beep!" about 3 seconds and bam~ a reading came out on the screen "PREGNANT" I WAS SO HAPPY!! After a minute I ran to get the camera (you know me...I'm a scrapbooker and want to save this precious memory!) This is what I saw~OPK is the green one on top. Notice it's all pink from the dunk into the "sample" cup,lol:
After I got ahold of myself I called Jesse at work at about 12:20am and when he answered "Thank you for calling Moneytree how can I offer you great service tonight?" I greeted him by saying "well hello there father of TWO!" he was like "no way, really?!? wow!" it was great knowing our "hard work" had paid off,haha. We started TTC at the end of August, so the third time was the charm!
That's the story, the whole LONG story ;)
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