Anyway onto other things.....I am 19 weeks pregnant (and 1 day since it's past midnight,lol!!) and am feeling it! Haha. I'm doing much better with feeling nauseated (it's not as often or severe anymore! Yay!) but headaches are a big almost daily issue these days, as well as backache, round ligament pain,etc haha so I traded up to the next level of pregnancy complaints =) I get the next ultrasound on March 4th and if baby cooperates we'll know the gender, OMG I've been dying to know!!!!!
Since I last blogged (forever ago, I know) I've had a few OBGYN appointments and another ultrasound as well! (baby was big so they moved my due date up a bit,lol it's now 7/24/2010!) Baby is doing well, and I was given the go-ahead to have a VBAC!!!!! (vaginal birth after cesarean) great news,huh? Baby's heartbeat is still in the 160's~ I'm hoping the old wife's tales are true for once! (yeah, right,lol) I took some belly pics awhile back as I'll shut up with my ramblings and post US and belly pics for your amusement ;)
Belly pics taken at 17 weeks pregnant! (taken at night, in PJ's~no make-up, so yeah I look icky,lol)
ultrasound photos from 1/3/2010