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Monday, March 1, 2010

7 years,wow!

So in a few minutes, it will be midnight and that will make it March 1st,2010. That marks 7 years since Jesse and I were married, where does the time go? It's just amazing what has happened since then, and how things have changed! We don't plan on exchanging gifts this year due to the uncertainty we have with Jesse's job right now. His company has announced that due to recent changes in the law ( a law was passed limiting what loans can be done, how many per year,etc) that they are forced to close down branches and start laying employees off. Luckily they're starting off with a voluntary layoff program with a decent severance package....but if not enough people take it it will be on an involuntary basis (with 1/2 the severance package) I don't *think* Jesse will be layed off~ quite a few people are considering taking the deal at his branch.....but you never know. So we're being very cautious right now with money!!

Anyway onto other things.....I am 19 weeks pregnant (and 1 day since it's past midnight,lol!!) and am feeling it! Haha. I'm doing much better with feeling nauseated (it's not as often or severe anymore! Yay!) but headaches are a big almost daily issue these days, as well as backache, round ligament pain,etc haha so I traded up to the next level of pregnancy complaints =) I get the next ultrasound on March 4th and if baby cooperates we'll know the gender, OMG I've been dying to know!!!!!

Since I last blogged (forever ago, I know) I've had a few OBGYN appointments and another ultrasound as well! (baby was big so they moved my due date up a bit,lol it's now 7/24/2010!) Baby is doing well, and I was given the go-ahead to have a VBAC!!!!! (vaginal birth after cesarean) great news,huh? Baby's heartbeat is still in the 160's~ I'm hoping the old wife's tales are true for once! (yeah, right,lol)  I took some belly pics awhile back as well....so I'll shut up with my ramblings and post US and belly pics for your amusement ;)

Belly pics taken at 17 weeks pregnant! (taken at night, in PJ's~no make-up, so yeah I look icky,lol)

ultrasound photos from 1/3/2010

1 comment:

Jenni Catavu said...

I didn't know you had a blog Jammie! You should come back and do more blogging soon ;) 4 year update maybe? lol.

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