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Monday, March 1, 2010

7 years,wow!

So in a few minutes, it will be midnight and that will make it March 1st,2010. That marks 7 years since Jesse and I were married, where does the time go? It's just amazing what has happened since then, and how things have changed! We don't plan on exchanging gifts this year due to the uncertainty we have with Jesse's job right now. His company has announced that due to recent changes in the law ( a law was passed limiting what loans can be done, how many per year,etc) that they are forced to close down branches and start laying employees off. Luckily they're starting off with a voluntary layoff program with a decent severance package....but if not enough people take it it will be on an involuntary basis (with 1/2 the severance package) I don't *think* Jesse will be layed off~ quite a few people are considering taking the deal at his branch.....but you never know. So we're being very cautious right now with money!!

Anyway onto other things.....I am 19 weeks pregnant (and 1 day since it's past midnight,lol!!) and am feeling it! Haha. I'm doing much better with feeling nauseated (it's not as often or severe anymore! Yay!) but headaches are a big almost daily issue these days, as well as backache, round ligament pain,etc haha so I traded up to the next level of pregnancy complaints =) I get the next ultrasound on March 4th and if baby cooperates we'll know the gender, OMG I've been dying to know!!!!!

Since I last blogged (forever ago, I know) I've had a few OBGYN appointments and another ultrasound as well! (baby was big so they moved my due date up a bit,lol it's now 7/24/2010!) Baby is doing well, and I was given the go-ahead to have a VBAC!!!!! (vaginal birth after cesarean) great news,huh? Baby's heartbeat is still in the 160's~ I'm hoping the old wife's tales are true for once! (yeah, right,lol)  I took some belly pics awhile back as well....so I'll shut up with my ramblings and post US and belly pics for your amusement ;)

Belly pics taken at 17 weeks pregnant! (taken at night, in PJ's~no make-up, so yeah I look icky,lol)

ultrasound photos from 1/3/2010

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Bad blogger~No cookie!

Wow, I've meant to stop by and update so many times, really I have! This update will be long so I can catch you up. I have been so sick since I last posted. It seems I have 24/7 sickness instead of "moring sickness" as well as some pretty heavy fatigue lol. This pregnancy has been such a change from my pregnancy with Kaiden! With him I had no morning sickness until apox. 10 weeks or so along, then it hit like a ton of bricks! but after I um...how to put this politely~"got sick" I'd leave the bathroom and be pretty normal until it struck again (By the way it was off and on through the whole rest of the pregnancy! even during delivery I was getting sick!) this time around I have the terrible nausea but I don't actually well, get sick. I just feel like I'm going to all day and night! much worse this go-round. But it's okay~ If I get a healthy baby out of it, it's a deal! So that's kept me couch bound these last few weeks =) So has the fact that I am on doctor's orders to take it as easy as I can. Since I last blogged I had some eventful news.  I'll start with that here....

My pregnancy started off with twins, but at the beginning of December I lost one of them. I went for my first prenatal appointment Dec 3rd,2009 and that was scary. I had some bleeding for a few days prior and when they did an ultrasound they couldn't find the heartbeat of the baby but said it could just be too early or the bad quality of the machine, so they sent me to the main hospital to get an ultrasound with a full sized machine. long story short they found out the bleeding's cause but did find the heartbeat of the other baby afterall! I was six weeks exactly that day. I cried when I saw that flicker of the heart! The crazy thing is Kaiden had been telling me for 3 months that when I got "pregnick" I would have two babies, a boy and a girl. A bit after I found out I was indeed pregnant I had a sneaking suspicion it was twins due to the way I felt and a gut feeling(plus I grew large fast! remember those photos below? at only what 4-4.5 weeks?I was huge! that's why.) I find it odd that Kaiden had said that so many times. Anway here's the photos of the ultrasound I got that day~

This is a photo of the baby! Yeah not much to see at this point,lol.

This is a photo of the baby and a view of it's heartbeat! (the waves are the heart beating)

I saw the OBGYN on the 7th as well and got to hear the baby's heartbeat on doppler for the first time!! she said it was "in the 160's" so about 165BPMs or so! I need that reassurance that all is well, so it was great to hear that. That's why I ordered a little doppler machine of my own! it should arrive either tomorrow or Moday I expect. I can't wait! I can even email the heartbeat~ maybe I can post it here! I'll leave off here since this is already so long and start a new post =) (Update: the doppler sucked...so I sent it back for a refund. I ended up able to hear the HB only once, and the LCD display was wrong...I want to know how many BPMs without counting,thank you,lol.)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

First belly photo

So I thought I should take a photo tonight even though most of my make-up has worn off and my curls that looked great this afternoon are coming apart,lol. I regret not taking as many photos of me during Kaiden's pregnancy, I always thought "why do I wanna take a pic when I look horrible?" but now I plan on taking them, for memory's sake....ugly day or no =)

When I went to my sister's place for Thanksgiving dinner everyone was SHOCKED to see that I'm showing already....and a lot! My sister is 21 weeks and according to a pregnancy calculator (we'll see what the doctor tells me when I see her, but I'm going by this for now!) I am 5 weeks and 5 days pregnant. Our bellies aren't that much different! Mine is well over 1/2 the size of hers! I was told this is because my abdominal muscles have already been stretched with my first pregnancy and also since I had to have a c-section with Kaiden that those muscles are weaker and will stretch out easily. So, yeah I look about 3 to 4 months pregnant,lol. Sorry~ I'm totaly slouching! my back is killing me! Check it out:

Here's a close up of just the belly! Sorry for the bad quality of both photos, I took them on a whim and didn't do my best. My bathroom is not looking it's best either,lol.

So there they are....my first belly photos with the new baby!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Sweet deal!

I am so excited. In one day (yesterday) I have gotten a big chunk of the 'must have' baby items checked off the list! They're all gender neutral, so they work even if I don't have a girl like I think I am (so far,lol)I looked it up online and the average price of the items I got totaled $250.86 (minus shipping!) guess how much I paid?? $70.00!!! I am so thrilled, I just had to share my bargains! I love seeing/reading about stuff like this, I dunno about you,haha. They are in almost new condition! I love Craigslist =) I got:

Fisher-Price Nature's touch papasan swing~

Fisher-price Rainforest bouncer (amazing features and so comfy! love it)

Fisher-Price rainforest 3 stage bath center:

And for warming up breast milk or even jars of baby food! The 1st years day and night bottle warmer:

Testing testing 1,2...3? (yup,pregnant!)

LOL. So my first real post to my blog will be the story of when I tested and found out I was pregnant. It all started 10 days ago......

On 11/15/09 I woke up excited to test thinking it probably would be a negative, either because it didn't happen this cycle (even though I was like 99% sure I was pregnant I could just 'feel' it.) or because it was too early to test at only 11DPO (days past ovulation) but of course I try anyway! This is what the test looked like:

Can you see the line? It's really hard to, right? So a few hours after I took it seeing that barely there shadow of a + line I go to the girls I know and love on webmd's TTC:JSO (trying to conceive:just starting out) message board and ask them what they think. One girl says to take a pic, (which is what you see above taken a few hours after testing)then to invert it on photoshop, so I do which makes it sooo much easier to see! check it out:

Well,they all saw it for sure! I was really afraid that is was just a fluke, and I was wrong about being pregnant, so I planned on retesting the next morning. I was about to go to bed that night, and remembered the story of how you could use an OPK (ovulation predictor kit) as a HPT (home pregnancy test) b/c if you're pregnant it would show up as a very positive OPK. So I thought "why not?" and at about 11:45pm took an OPK. It turned + the second the pee hit it! I was so excited I went to grab it to look at it and knocked it onto the cup of pee,lol! I immediately opened up a HPT and dipped it in, and a darker line then the one from the morning showed up very fast, and since I was so excited I opened up a digital test I had and dipped it in too! it went "beep!beep!beep!" about 3 seconds and bam~ a reading came out on the screen "PREGNANT" I WAS SO HAPPY!! After a minute I ran to get the camera (you know me...I'm a scrapbooker and want to save this precious memory!) This is what I saw~OPK is the green one on top. Notice it's all pink from the dunk into the "sample" cup,lol:

After I got ahold of myself I called Jesse at work at about 12:20am and when he answered "Thank you for calling Moneytree how can I offer you great service tonight?" I greeted him by saying "well hello there father of TWO!" he was like "no way, really?!? wow!" it was great knowing our "hard work" had paid off,haha. We started TTC at the end of August, so the third time was the charm!

That's the story, the whole LONG story ;)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Work in progress!

I am just opening this tonight, and will customize it tomorrow! Welcome =)